Wednesday, April 27, 2011

is it 5 o'clock yet?

It's days like today that make me wonder what in the world I am doing in life. Work is almost impossible seeing as there are FOUR dogs in the office. Yes, that's correct... FOUR! Katie is here, which presents a problem in itself seeing as she can't be anywhere in the vicinity of the pups because they want to try and nurse with their huge razor sharp teeth, and Blake brought his 4 month old male black lab Tucker here this afternoon.

Good thing the office has two sides with a door separating them or I would go insane. Katie and Tucker can't stay in the same room together for very long because Katie paces between the two doors whining and waiting on someone to let her out, but when she goes outside she digs a big hole beside the steps. Tucker jumps around and plays tug of war with the bag in the trashcan, the pile of dirty sheets belonging to the truck drivers, and ultimately attempts to bite on Katie's tail. When all else fails he just removes all of the paper towels from the bathroom trashcan and takes a big poop on the floor!

I of course assumed one of the puppies had "gone poopy" in my side of the office and proceeded to crawl under the desks following the unpleasant scent. When there is no poop to be found I peak into the other side of the office to see Tucker, bless his heart, wildly wagging his tail, standing triumphantly in the midst of his mess. 

Now the entire office smells of dog poo no matter how much lavender spray I can put in the air. I even shot some into the air vent hoping it would filter through. 

Aside from the dogs, Brent and I are trying to get our budget in order for finishing the house. We met with our loan officer at the bank today and they want an itemized list of what we lack to finish the house and prices for materials and labor. That is proving to be quite difficult as many of our "contracts" are verbal and sealed with a handshake. They really enjoyed the scrap piece of notebook paper our heating and air guy wrote his price down on and it was contingent on trading a turkey hunt for some of the labor. I don't think First Citizens Bank in Charlotte understands how things work down here in Panola. 

On the up side, Brent has cleaned all of the weeds out of my garden for me and spread snake repellant all around my garden and the house so I need not worry about any encounters with giant rattlesnakes or copperheads today when I go to water my hydrangeas. Yesterday there were two black snakes in our house, yes, inside the house; one even had babies! And a copperhead is living in our stack of black walnut that is drying inside the shop. I think I might venture to the humane society and "rescue" a mean ass male cat to release over there to ward off any unwanted visitors. Only thing that worries me is that some of the rattlesnakes in those woods are so big they might eat the cat! Who would've thought I might have to tote a gun into my own garden for protection. I guess that's life in the country. 

To my dearest friend Lacey, I promise I will put up some recipes for you tomorrow! I surely didn't have time to do it today! And don't worry, I'll make it something easy with step by step directions! :)

Tucker and Katie in their hole, tired from all that digging!

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