All day I've been thinking it's Tuesday, only to just now look at my phone and have MONDAY May 2 glaring into my face. I have been trying to clean out the office today. In the chaos of working here and building a house my personal stuff has started to mix in with the business stuff and it's not a good combination. Upon going over driver logs I have stumbled upon bills for the house that I didn't even know I had misplaced and in the middle of doing paychecks Friday I picked up some grain tickets and aha! there was our quote from the HVAC guy. I will be going over our budget and the phone will ring, so I will put it on one of my four desks and then there it goes, off into the horizon, only to be found whenever I have already pulled my hair out trying to find it. So today I have taken everything into one giant pile, then separated it into multiple little files. I have expandable file folders for everything but somehow there just seems to be a gap in me holding the paperwork and actually putting it into it's designated spot.
Aside from the office work I am also making Brent a list of spanish phrases and vocabulary so he can talk to the guys working at our house. I made one list last night, but he called me to tell me he lost it and needs another one. I have to break down the words so he will know how to pronounce them as well, so it takes a while. The title of this blog for example says 'do you need nails?' .. I thought that might come in handy seeing as they are nailing up our walls and ceilings today. For Brent I have to write "nay-say-see-tahs lowes cla-vose" and just pray he gets it close to that. This morning he walked into the house, pulls out his piece of paper and yells "OH-LAH!" to the guys and they all stop and stare at him. Luckly Juan shouts out "MUY BIEN!" and everyone laughs. I thought about teaching Brent some bad words but that could be potentially dangerous seeing as his spanish accent is horrible.
The puppies are sleeping at my feet on the air conditioning vent. They really aren't fond of the South Carolina heat (and it's only May 2nd..) so whenever they get the chance they try to find the coldest spot in the house. In our living room at the lake one of the couches is over a vent so usually you can find Hank hiding underneath it.
I broke down and had lunch in the farm kitchen today. I figured it would be okay since all I had for breakfast was a SlimFast shake. I did pretty good, I skipped the pork chop but I did have some mac n' cheese. I couldn't resist. Brent's grandmother had spongecake with berries soaked in sugar and karo syrup, yeast rolls and biscuits with strawberry jam, and brownies for desert. I ran as fast as I could back to the office and had some walnuts instead. It was a close call. The biscuits where placed directly in front of me and she rubbed them all with butter right before she set them down. It's some form of torture she has inflicted upon me knowing I am on a diet. Then she sat down, broke a biscuit in half, doused it with strawberry jam and proceeded to eat it while she talked to me. Needless to say I won't be going back for lunch tomorrow. I will bring a salad....
Just thought I'd share a picture of my hydrangeas. Well one plant anyway. I will take pictures of the garden this afternoon. You can see the rows of sweet corn in the background of this picture but they are much taller now after all of this rain. My squash, zucchini, and tomato plants are all huge now and starting to produce! Now all I need are some chickens, oh wait, my in-law's have those, so maybe I'll get a milk cow.
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