
Nancy Hollingsworth/Aunt Jo's Cream Cheese Braids
(this recipe makes 4 braids)
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. sugar
1 stick butter
1/2 c. warm water
2 packages yeast 
4 c. unsifted all purpose flour
2 eggs

Scald the sour cream and when hot, stir in the sugar, salt, butter and cool to lukewarm. 
Measure warm water in a large warmed bowl; sprinkle in yeast and stir. 
Add the lukewarm sour cream mixture, eggs, and flour to the yeast and mix until well blended.
Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. 
The next day, divide the dough into four equal parts and roll each out into a rectangle, about 8x12. 
Spread all four pieces with the following filling...

16 oz. cream cheese
1 medium egg, beaten
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 c. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt

Divide the filling equally and spread on each rectangle, staying away from the edges. Rolls as you would a jelly roll, beginning at the long sides. When rolled, pinch the edges together and fold under slightly. Lay each roll on a greased aluminum foil-lined cookie sheet.
With scissors, cut each roll making cuts alternating from side to side, about 3/4 of the way through the roll to resemble a braid. Allow the braids to rise until doubled in bulk and then
bake at 375* for 12-15 minutes.

When the braids come out of the oven, glaze while hot.
2 c. powdered sugar
4 tbsp. milk
2 tsp. vanilla

Then top with green and red cherries to resemble holly. Enjoy!

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