Monday, August 22, 2011

today i will tackle meatloaf...

Today is a day for the books. We have started moving into our house and tonight will be our first night actually staying there. So in honor of our first night, we are having our first meal. The first meal I will ever cook in my new kitchen. I wanted something hearty, something with meaning, something we will always remember. So I thought I would try to cook meatloaf. (eww, yuck, gross)

Meatloaf is something that I have normally in the past refused to eat. Something that I want nothing to do with and something I am totally not interested in. However, Brent loves meatloaf. I figure I will have to make some compromises in this marriage so I am starting with meatloaf.

Maybe I will like the meatloaf if I made it. Maybe it won't be dry. Maybe the sauce in the recipe I have chosen will be out of this world. Just maybe. If all else fails, I make amazing mashed potatoes. :)

I'll take pictures tonight and post tomorrow!

Monday, August 15, 2011

it's been two weeks already??

I do sincerely apologize for the lapse in my writing lately. As we are getting in the final stages of the house we have been crazy busy! When I last wrote they had installed our cabinets and were coming to do the countertops... Now they have installed the granite, finished the plumbing, the appliances are in, and we spent the past 4 days putting polyurethane on the doors, trim, and the entire master bathroom. Needless to say I feel the effects of the fumes in my nose, throat, and lungs.

Now we just have to finish any woodwork and clean out the house so the guy can come and wax our floors! Oh yeah, and we have to wire up the lighting under the cabinets and get the house inspected... oh! And find mirrors, finish putting up the hardware in the master bathroom, get two or three more door knobs.. wait, did I say we were getting close? Maybe not that close.

I will post some pictures of what the house looks like now probably tomorrow. I need to take updated ones where the faucets are in and stuff so you can get the full effect! In the meantime I have managed to lose my spiral index card thingy with all of my important phone numbers in it AND my brand new ray bans. Sometimes I don't know if I am going or coming.

My brother is in town and coming to visit on Wednesday. I am very excited for him to come and see the house. He hasn't been down here in well over a year so he has never even seen what it looks like or where we are building. And he gets to meet all of the dogs! ..... Speaking of the dogs. I have learned that they love pizza. I can get them to do just about anything I want as long as the word 'pizza' is involved. I have started calling Lainey "Cheesey" and I finally figured out yesterday that when she is being bad and doesn't want to go in her pen, if I say "come here Cheesey... you want some PETE-ZA?!" she runs in her pen and sits down like a good girl. I only hate that when she finally figures out I don't have any pizza she will sprint away and hide in the woods like she used to. I will probably have to invest in Pizza Hut soon.

Last week I took some photos with Megan Manus in Sumter, just for fun, and they turned out really great. I didn't buy the digital files but Megan will be putting some up on her blog if you want to check them out. ALSO I had my first dress fitting at Hayden Olivia. It was fabulous. Luckily they are having to take the dress in about 4 inches so that made me feel pretty good since last time it barely fit perfectly. I am SO excited about the dress. It truly is magnificent. Afterwards I roamed the streets of East and West Boulevard waiting on my friend Weldon to get off work so I could finally see her place and see Louise and spend some time catching up. I spent about an hour in the shop called Paper Skyscraper and bought a lot of neat things! When Weldon got home we visited for a bit and then went out for sushi (yum! my favorite) and then I had to make the long dreaded trip back down to Summerton. I wish I lived closer to my friends.... well wait, let me rephrase, I wish my friends lived closer to me! :)

Hopefully tomorrow I will get to see Lacey and visit with her. She has never been down here so I am excited to show her the house and the farm. And then my brother! SO it will be a good two weeks! Also this weekend our dear friends are giving us a shower, which will be much needed since we are hopefully going to move in SOON! I promise I will write more now that things are slowing up a bit. I will at least be taking more pictures so I can share some things with everyone.


Monday, August 1, 2011

my office is a racetrack

Happy Monday y'all! As I sit here right now Hank and Lainey are running wide open in circles around the desk in the center of my office. I can't tell who is chasing whom since it changes every time they turn a corner or run behind the chairs a different one is in the lead! Every now and then they take a break and slosh in the water bowl.

It's been almost two weeks since I have written and a lot has happened! They came and installed our cabinets last week and they look fabulous. Next the granite people will come Thursday to install the countertops and then it's only a few more little things and we will be moving in! I'm shooting for the week of August 15th. It would be fabulous if we could at least start moving that week since my parents and my brother will be here! (and they can help us move, of course!) When the house is complete I will post a few pics for those of you who might never make it down here.  ;)

Along with the house plans are the wedding plans and we are down to 60 days. I would say two months, but I am a procrastinator and two months sounds longer than 60 days so I have to think in terms of days now so I will get things done! I have about 5 or 6 different to-do lists (they have a lot of overlap) but it makes me feel better to write it all out and be able to cross things off.

After much debate over wedding shoes I have finally gotten a pair. They are totally NOT what I thought I would get but I am in love with them. I have been saying for the past year and a half that I wanted blue heels and I ended up with gold glitter flats from J Crew and they are SO comfortable.

I spent a little time today going over the marriage license process, the name change process, and then changing my residency finally to say that I truly live in South Carolina. Yes I know I've lived here for well over a year but for part of that time I was a "student" and I didn't need to get a SC license. I didn't want to go through the DMV deal twice so I figured it was best just to wait. It's ONLY 60 more days.....

Both of my wedding dresses came in on Friday. Weird that they came in on the same day but I am so relieved that they are finally here and we can start the fittings. I need to get one of those "It Works" fat wraps just incase I've gained weight. Hopefully I can loose a few more inches before we get down to the nitty gritty of alterations. I think my main problems are length and bust, not waist, so that's a relief. I would definitely have a hip problem but the ball gown covers that up! :)

I'll post a few sneak peaks of things under the Photos tab. I honestly don't have any new recipes at the moment. Sadly. Mom came this past weekend and helped me clean my house and pack. I swear we could be on an episode of Hoarders. While she was there she made my favorite Chicken Tetrazzini. I will post her recipe under the Recipe tab! It is delicious!!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool in this blistering heat wave!