Sunday, July 10, 2011

it's almost monday again already?

It's the end to another wonderful weekend and time to start a new week. I feel like the weeks are just flying by and we are in a permanent state of chaos! Life around the farm is always busy but it seems more so than usual these days. We haven't even started cutting corn yet so I should probably enjoy it as much as I can.

Friday I went to finalize everything for the cabinets and I am SO excited about them. The man said they would start on them Monday (tomorrow) and they would be finished in a week. So hopefully that means just a few more weeks until we can move in! I'm hoping once we live there people will stop showing up to 'check out the house'. I am not a fan of unexpected visitors and was always taught to call before you drop by. I think that chapter of Emily Post didn't make it in the etiquette books down here. It usually goes something like this "Heyyyyy there I heard y'all were building a place back here. Billy Bob told me it was real niiiice. I'm Fred from yonder down the way and I just happened to be riding through and I thought I'd just come and take a look for myself and see what y'all was building back here." It's seldom that I know the people that I find wandering around in the yard and letting themselves into my house but they seem to know who I am and even if they don't, they're friends with Jim Bo's cousin that lives over in Silver and Betty Sue gave them permission to come on by. The last guy was trying to pick the lock to get into Brent's shop and thought it was ok to just break in since he had permission to go over there, even though he didn't receive the said permission from myself or Brent.

But who doesn't love good ole country living. I reckon' I'll have to post up with a shotgun and be the crazy lady with wild signs everywhere. I recently read a book called 'Forty Acres and A Fool' and the man in the book had the same problem we are having. He wrote about how the locals would trespass and hunt on his property and joy ride down his road. We have the joy riding and right now the random people fishing in the pond. In the book, the man puts up signs saying 'Beware of the Monkeys!" ... Wendy suggested I try "Beware: HIV patient on the loose" ... it's worth a shot!

Aside from the craziness at the house and the farm, some friends of mine from college are orchestrating a baby shower for one of my best friends, Laura, and that will take place this weekend. I went to Florence on Friday to pick up some things and I will head to Charlotte tomorrow to pick up a few more. I am so excited to see everyone again. It's been two months since we've all been in one place together and I'm just tickled that it is for a baby shower. Laura and her husband Ben are having a little boy and he is due to come into this world on October 20th. Hopefully he will get to come and visit Aunt Carson and Uncle Brent on the farm! :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a happy July 4th. I am heading to bed to watch some more Harry Potter. The new one comes out Friday so I am catching up with the old ones and Brent is learning who the people are and what's going on. After two days of HP he is developing a British accent and calling Lainey "Hermione" ... but he pronounces it "Her-whiney" :) God Bless y'all!

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